Mount and blade wiki recruitment
Mount and blade wiki recruitment

mount and blade wiki recruitment

The terminology in Bannerlord for companions is a little confusing since the encyclopedia lists them under the Heroes category. Using the Encyclopedia to Find Companions Then, you'll have to pay off their debt which can vary from a little below or above a thousand denars. Once you find a companion, you can talk to them and learn a little about their backstory before recruiting them. Not every companion has a title, but for those that do, it plays a role in what skills they have. If there's a companion here, their name will be visible above them with something like, "Gavyn the Fish". Once entering a Tavern, if you hold "Alt" by default, it will make all special character names appear.

mount and blade wiki recruitment

If you need more help with the game check out Mount and Blade 2 Wiki.If you're not sure how to recruit companions, don't worry, it's not too difficult! Every major town in Bannerlord has a Tavern where you can play games, recruit soldiers, and find companions. That all is all you need to know to get companions in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord. Here are tips for gold farming if you are in need of money. Pay off their debt and hire them for your party.

mount and blade wiki recruitment

Often these companions are in need of money to pay off a debt. There is one little problem you need to take care of first. Before you can recruit them they will tell you a bit more about themselves.

mount and blade wiki recruitment

Speak to potential companions for recruitment in Mount and Blade II. You will have names of all the important characters in the tavern. Once you are able to find a tavern hold TAB and you will see all the important characters inside the tavern. Keep in mind that smaller towns and settlements do not have a tavern. You can find them using large castle structures on the map. The first thing you need to do is find towns that have taverns in them. You can use your companions to attack larger Hideouts. Companions are vital for increasing troops numbers and for your party. Companions can be used as soldiers as well as for Caravans. You need to recruit companions in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. When playing the game companions play an important role.

Mount and blade wiki recruitment